Nakedness of the Fathers

My new pamphlet, The Nakedness of the Fathers is now available to order over at Broken Sleep. Just £6.50! James Byrne says this about it:

Purchase from Broken Sleep HERE or contact me for a signed copy here

Samuel Tongue’s The Nakedness of the Fathers dexterously surveys the monster of capitalism via jaywalks, googleearth the ‘contagiousness’ of treadmills, sanitiser-slick supermarkets and the charade of prosperity. This is a landscape poetry ready and able to utilise the personal as a site of resistance, where father’s cry for ‘a mother in the dark’ and the world exists precariously, ‘a flux of ever-living fire.’ Linguistically rich and yet, where need be, capable of serrated directness, Tongue skilfully drifts through a network of forms. Impressively dialogic, at its heart, The Nakedness of the Fathers is a conversation made with others, from Derrida to Sontag. Crucially, Tongue is able to metabolise the complexities of violence whilst letting language have its say, maintaining a dignified tone against injustice. This is a learned poetics that is distinctly humane, communal and beautifully written.

New Pamphlet Announced

I am very pleased to say that my new pamphlet The Nakedness of the Fathers will be published by Broken Sleep in February 2022. There will be more launch details closer to the date but here is a wee preview of the cover to get you in the mood.

Covid-19 Cancellations!

Unfortunately, I was due to perform at Edinburgh International Book Festival with Sam Riviere this year. Covid-19 has seen to it that this is not possible. With this in mind, and if you are able, please support my independent publisher Red Squirrel by purchasing the book – and grab a copy of Sam’s from Faber and Faber too! Hope to see you all face-to-face/mask-to-mask soon!